- Dec
- 12
- 2022
Mindfulness meditation from the lenses of phenomenology and neurosciences
Mindfulness meditation practices can be conceptualized as a set of attention-based, regulatory and self-inquiry training regimes cultivated for various ends, including the training of well-being and psychological health. In this presentation, Dr. Lutz will first review a model which conceptualizes mindfulness-related states and traits as a multidimensional phenomenal matrix that can readily be expressed into a neurocognitive framework. This phenomenal and neurocognitive matrix of mindfulness is presented as a heuristic to guide formulation of research hypotheses from both cognitive/behavioral and neuroscientific perspectives. Dr. Lutz will then discuss recent behavioral, physiologic, and neural results related to mindfulness practice and training from our groups and from collaborators. He will focus in particular on the role in these practices of meta-awareness and dereification. In the last part of the presentation, Dr. Lutz will…
About Speaker
Antoine Lutz is a research director at INSERM in the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRL). He did his PhD in cognitive neurosciences in Paris, with Francesco Varela. During his postdoctoral work with Richard Davidson, at the University of Madison-Wisconsin, he focused his work on the neuroimaging study of meditation practices. In 2008, he and Davidson were awarded a NIH-NCCAM grant to fund the first American Center of Excellence on Research dedicated to neurophysiological study of meditation. At the CRNL since 2013, his research group focuses on investigating the neurophysiological basis of mindfulness and compassion meditations and their impact on consciousness, attention and emotion regulations, and pain perception as measured by cognitive, affective and social neuroimaging paradigms using EEG, MEG, intra-cortical EEG, and fMRI. This research has been funded by an European ERC consolidator grant (Brain&Mindfulness). He is a work package leader in a European research consortium investigating the impacts of meditation practices on ageing and well-being (Meditageing, H2020, PI G. Chételat, https://silversantestudy.eu). He is a workpage leader in the ANR grant MindMadeClear (PI H. Mounier) on neurocomputation and meditation.