• Apr
  • 26
  • 2023

Mindfulness: From MRI to Mobile Health

Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Garrison, PhD
  • Time: 12:00 pm
  • Location:

    ONLINE- Please click on RSVP to register

In this presentation, Dr. Garrison will discuss her research on mindfulness using methods in neuroimaging, neurofeedback, and digital health. She’ll present work on how mindfulness is represented in the brain. This includes insights on the link between the subjective experience of mindfulness and objective neuroimaging data, gained using neurofeedback. Next, she’ll discuss how mindfulness can be used to help individuals cope with craving. She will highlight how the first-person experience of craving can be linked to brain activation patterns to gain insight into craving and how to extinguish it using mindfulness interventions. Finally, she’ll describe studies delivering mindfulness interventions using digital health tools such as apps and wearables.

About Speaker

Kathleen Garrison, PhD, is a neuroscientist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Yale. She received her PhD in neuroscience from the University of Southern California. Dr. Garrison’s research program aims to develop interventions for health behavior change by understanding the underlying neurobiology, designing novel interventions, and testing them in clinical studies. Her work uses methods in neuroimaging and digital health which are generalizable. This enables her research program to be dynamic, highly collaborative, and responsive to urgent issues in human health and wellbeing.